Until you calculate all the people who get their news directly from the site online. No, liberal media reaches a dramatic majority of the nation. And the people who don’t watch that crap are already on our side. So who cares? The point is, Democrats literally control every single arm of our society and we are expecting Mike to hit it out of the park and Democrat judges, Democrat law-enforcement, Democrat legislators to.... arrest themSELVES?!?!?!?
The same problem remains how do you get past the non coverage by the lame stream media. If they don't cover it over half of the country won't see it.
That's what I'm thinking. That's why we'll be doing our best here to help coverage get out
I wouldn't say that, nobody's watching the fake news anymore anyways.
Primetime news is dominated by OAN, RSBN, and local stations. Even with fox, fake news cant get 4million viewers on primetime!
Until you calculate all the people who get their news directly from the site online. No, liberal media reaches a dramatic majority of the nation. And the people who don’t watch that crap are already on our side. So who cares? The point is, Democrats literally control every single arm of our society and we are expecting Mike to hit it out of the park and Democrat judges, Democrat law-enforcement, Democrat legislators to.... arrest themSELVES?!?!?!?