We have all hashed through with speculation about the notes during Bush's funeral. It is now almost three years later.
FUNERAL VIDEO LINK; https://youtu.be/yoHRh26X92A?t=157
Notice from the envelopes we can see, none are sealed or the back-upper flaps tucked in.
Hillary reads hers close-up and very quickly. Comprehends and quickly replaces the note.
Carters are looking for their note, but find nothing (Carter's Presidency was prior to GHWB, wars, bad trade deals, 9-11 and so many other evil agendas perpetrated on the People of the world by the Bush's, Clinton's, Obama's, global puppet master cabal) Carter's are 'safe'.
Jill Biden acknowledges Hillary, who as it seems is wanting to share her immediate info about the notes. It seems very important to Hillary, even at a somber funeral to find out; get to the bottom of the 'situation' about who else got a note. She cannot contain/control her immediate need to know. She stood up almost immediately, turned around and is speaking with Jill ONLY ABOUT THE NOTES. Jill fumbles around and finds her note within the funeral events/speakers program. Jill hands it to Joe Biden and then she leans over as she is pointing to her envelope and asks Mrs. Cheney if she received a note. Joe Biden reinforces Jill's statement by showing the envelope to Mrs. Cheney. Then Jill looks back at Hillary with mouth open and presumably somewhat shocked. The notes AND THEIR CONTENT MESSAGE were important to Hillary. She was smiling (fake and actually looks panicked) and needed to know immediately if she was being 'singled out.'
Karen Pence flips through her program and we can clearly see the note/envelope. The camera does not show Karen Pence opening her note, only that she has received one.
Michelle Obama seemingly has overheard the Hillary, Jill Biden exchange and opens her program. She goes directly to the envelope-note card. Barack is looking down trying to be nonchalant, tilting his head to get a better 'reading' view. Then turns his head back to the funeral event speaker at the podium. His chin is raised abnormally high.
At the same time as Barack's note reading notice former 2nd first lady Mrs. Quayle behind Barack puts on her reading glasses and is seeming reading her program and/or the note. Barack is seen again taking a second look over at Michelle's program. Is he looking at the note or the program speakers content?
At 5:28 mark Bald Attendee (US Secret Service?) activity. Before coffin procession his hands are folded atop one another/relaxed in front of him. Then the procession moves forward and he moves his hand(s) to his side. We can only see his left arm/hand. Presumably, he hands off something to Bush who in turn passes it to Laura Bush. She reads something and shows Jeb Bush. Her facial expression seems 'in disbelief or one of relaxed disgust' of what she has just read. Jeb reads whatever Laura has just shown him and his expression is seemingly all telling. It seems his body language says; 'Oh cr*p.' His confidence leaves him, his balloon has been deflated, so to speak.
These notes were so important that Hillary caused a stir in asking others about their notes. We do not have confirmation of the notes important message. But we can speculate as the end of this video displays. That note message to the bad actors is plausible, it's probable. Is it the Military's message or did it come from Trump? As Q indicates, Trump knows the whole plan and perhaps it was his idea and wording what to be written on those note cards. (It sounds like something a Master War Game Player would say to his opponent/enemy of The People)
Common Sense; Because Carter was president before the evil regimes of Bush, Clinton & Obama, it is an indication that this is how far back the Military Plan is extending it's investigations as the beginning of the Crimes Against Humanity. This is where they begin and have the intel/data to back up their allegations of crimes committed. Carter is safe from any Military Tribunal, but that is not, in any way, an indication that he has not been questioned or interrogated by the Military. Carter has had clearances and presidential privilege to receive top secret information and intelligence.
Speculation: Recent strange photo/meeting with Bidens and Carters could have been the Deep State needing to know what Jimmy Carter told the Military during their 'questioning.' They sent Biden in and Jill (in her sour lemon print dress) to 'probe' the issue. Photo; Link; https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/05/us/politics/biden-carters-photo.html
Questions; Who placed the envelopes/notes in specific funeral programs at specific seating arrangements. Who took the video, ensuring people would see this note reading of specific individuals. Seems to be purposefully, strategically and intentionally done. (Ezra Cohen-Watnick? In this Devoution Plan, he is in charge of information being released to the public)
Moves and Countermoves. WE ARE AT WAR.
Great play by play. Agree 100% with your analysis.