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So the clerk had a copy of the passwords that she shouldn't have had is confirmation the passwords were indeed compromised, with assertion/allegation that the Secretary of State purposely released the password.
Only way to cover this is to assert that the clerk somehow stole the passwords, which is I guess the pretext of the raids.
If the machines in that sate were compromised using these very credentials, then it's very significant.
You have to establish fundamental truths, and build upon it. This is one of those truths. It is a building block on which the narrative of a coordinated theft of an election can ben established.
To be honest though, I'm not even sure that was the actual announcement. They need to better manage the messaging. Perhaps the raid did its job and disrupted their train of thought etc.
Negative. The clerk never had the passwords. Only the Secretary of State. She was saying it is impossible for her or her staff to have been the leaker because they never had access to the admin passwords. The leak had to have come from the Secretary of States office as they were the only ones in possession.
Ah thanks for the clarification. So the clerk is aware that the passwords are in circulation, but her office has at no time ever handled or seen them.
I suppose the suspicion now is the raid will show the passwords magically appear in the clerks office.
Along with some porn sprinkled in.