posted ago by ThomasMaker ago by ThomasMaker +45 / -0

Just got this:

The gambit to force the US Military to take an experimental vaccine is not what it seems on the surface. The mRNA is so fraught with problems it will not get approved by the FDA, even in a Biden Administration, and the only vaccine that could be considered safe is Russia’s Sputnik.

Even though the current Secretary of Defense is a Biden appointee, Biden is a White Hat Double under the control of the Junta, and the Joint Chiefs is no longer headed by General Mark Milley, who was a Biden fan.

So who is calling the shots and what is this gambit about? We called the Mike Lindell claim that President Trump would return by August 13 to be a test. If the public reacted favorably, without civil war rumblings, then the US Military might move forward. What would be the excuse, or trigger, for such an announcement by the Junta?

Statistically, there are more deaths among young healthy adults from the vaccines than from Covid-19 itself, so putting the US Military at risk is unwise. This fracas is to give the Junta an excuse for making the announcement that President Trump won the 2020 election and thus any steps the Biden Administration takes are illegal.

Won't get into the source for reasons I won't get into either... but this source has yet to be wrong in the last 25+ years and it is safe to say that this source has access to information that is VERY restricted..