That child molester Arizona senator Tony Navarette has resigned effective immediately!
This could be huge for future votes because without him that Rino might not be able to stop the patriot senators anymore!
Where’s Durham
Maybe they are doing this one different, and there is no public acknowledgment of Durham, because he is arresting enemy combatants, not regular federal criminal?
What if every billionaire we see get hit with sex trafficking charges and every major political resignation and every celebrity disappearance is because of Durham? What if Durham is the reason DC is empty, the FBI building empty?
Think of the terror that would inspire in the them, and Trump just keeps taunting them week after week as they wait to see who gets the knock on the door next. Their media arm becoming more and more desperate to avoid covering anything that will validate.
I wonder. Would there be any reason they couldn’t do this? It’s well established, the enemy combatant aspect.