hang around for a few days, it feels like they are going to drop something soon. the current news smells like bait for the DS. it seems as if they are worried and know what's going to be dropped.
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That is true; however, it has better been a pumped up nothing burger for a reason. Come Thursday (based on the amount of promises) it's either put up or shut up, because I get things could be happening behind the scenes and all, but you don't go all out, live and make big promises for the fire to die before.it ever started. I have been in this mix since November with the hopium, but I believe I'll lost it all after Friday if nothing of major substance is dropped. I'm sure many others are tired of the false hopium. We need something BIG even if it's not the final chapter or endgame.
The same woman who said losing her Navy Seal son at 27 and fought cancer and they had nothing to threaten her with...that same lady?