posted ago by kallebanen ago by kallebanen +15 / -4

Honestly, withholding the "bombshell" evidence endlessly is not a good look. If it was as good evidence as he claims it is, everybody could verify it themselves, we wouldn't have to trust him.

If he just delays the release to the end of the conference to reveal it, it's just very disrespectful of our time, but at least that could be accepted as a way to create hype.

However, if the conference ends without any new bombshell and evidence released I'm starting to think even he himself doubts the quality of his evidence. :/

This whole twitter thread is really interesting, from the ErrataSec (well known in NetSec circles) guy at the conference, but this tweet sums in up IMO: https://twitter.com/ErrataRob/status/1425250784053059585

I can analyse packet captures myself. However, I generally don't trust "trust me, don't verify it yourself"-guys. Right now Lindell is such a guy :/

I really hope he proves me wrong and releases it.