While in a meeting with HR to get the paperwork, I brought up The Binding of Isaac and how it was a story of faith that ultimately offers the moral of how one should never be made to sacrifice one's own flesh to prove allegience to a higher authority. I was sneered at and told "that's a real stretch".
I get the feeling nothing is going to be good enough for these God-hating goblins, but I'm going to be researching throughout the week anyway. Any help would be appreciated.
Don't give those mendacious bastards the opportunity to mock and pick apart a list of verses. Nothing will satisfy them. Make arguments and put them on the defensive.
Start off with the first verse of the 1st Amendment. Who in the F!!! do they think they are?
Go straight to Revelations w/the verses on the "Mark" vs Jab. Compare the proposed sanctions of "no jab" w/ predicted result of "no mark". This may be a precursor to the "mark". "I'm taking no chances."
Cite all the bitching in MSM about Evangelical DeathVaXXX "resistance".
OK, HR. You think its a "stretch"? Present your credentials to justify your opinion.
KEY: Evangelical resistance to the Jab is mainstream enough to create significant statistical differences in Jab rates. Evangelicals are TELLING you, HR, that this is a mainstream concern and belief among Evangelicals. Who are you to tell Evangelicals/Christians/Baptists etc that they are wrong?
Make them mock the Evangelicals/etc, rather than pick YOU apart on an individual basis.
Good luck.
PS--present yourself as a member of a group that is being discriminated against. This is the language that these Nazis speak.
Ask who among them has ANY medical or religious credentials to make such intensely personal judgments about someone they don't really know on a personal basis.