SHILL THEME OF THE DAY: OVERHYPED. Oh, really? Will their synthetic narrative take hold? Maybe we should all go home, hey? LOL, how about NO, shills! WE HAVE IT ALL. 🇺🇸
🧠These people are stupid!

The mod team will all get incredible large ridiculous stuffed animals after this. It's like playing Whack-A-Mole at the state fair!
Mmmm, corndogs and funnel caaaakes...
I'm glad there are newbie handshakes to find the shills
The thing is, there are plenty of seasoned accounts now. They learned their way around the handshake pretty quickly. You'll see comments made by shills that look very innocuous or even supportive. And then they start and people look at their post history and think they're having a bad day. No, they're shills finally showing who they are.
We got great mods and handshakes. Granted, not 100% perfect, nothing is.
This board is still light years ahead of Redhit and Twatter.
Oh it's fine here - but if the regulars didn't keep an eye on this crap it would be way worse than it is. Offloading concerfags and doomers was a biggie.
TDW was a goner with those.
I'd pick the stuffed Pepe, for sure.
Haha it is worst than whackamole its like the version I played at Dave and busters with my son where they come up super fast and you can't hit the red ones. (red is commie, makes me think they are trying to subtly propagandize me via whackamole, kek)
I'll put in $10 for life sized pepes for the mod team if you start a fund