SHILL THEME OF THE DAY: OVERHYPED. Oh, really? Will their synthetic narrative take hold? Maybe we should all go home, hey? LOL, how about NO, shills! WE HAVE IT ALL. 🇺🇸
🧠These people are stupid!

"Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill and should be banned" is incredibly close to "Everyone who disagrees with me is Hitler and should be banned."
Don't be Reddit. These people just disagree with you, and they're right. Mike is hyping the same shit over three days that was in his hour long video. Of course it's good he's drawing attention to it, but the man is hyping things anyone could see just by looking at the raw data. Nothing more. He has no secret sauce that will walk Trump back into office. Don't expect fireworks at a sparkler stand is all they're saying, and you fucking sperged out at them.
Congratulations, you're all now Reddit.