Based on my experience in my unit, very few people are vaccinated and a majority are making a very tough decision weather to take the jab or get out. It breaks my heart because many of the men and women I serve with love this country, and I pray it does not come to a point where the vaccine is mandated. I expect a mass reduction in our military if they do force the vaccine on us, but I believe this is an intended consequence of those in power who want to cripple our military. For any of us here who are in the military, be the light and source of truth for those who do not have the deeper understanding of our situation like we the Anon's do. I try to provide links and details for those I serve with to help them fight against this. We cannot let this evil force cripple out military and allow China to come take this country from us. Without a strong military this is certainly a possibility.
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Maybe this is a good plan after you're out?...Contact Pres T. or Gen. F, request a pardon from the discharge papers, ask to get back your pension, and also your previous service time/records to be counted again. Then if you wish, ask to be recruited into the real military.