Here are some brief points:
- Suspicions about the packet sources are not unfounded.
Mike isn't forking up the packets. He claims they will at the end of Day 3, but some of the hackers and cyber professionals are getting impatient especially since the "code scrolls" are set in hex due to a miscommunication issue which they apparently only prefer to read as a last resort.
The data Lindell acquired may have come from Dennis Montgomery, which is not available to comment because of a (in)conveniently timed stroke. If the data did come from Dennis, it is VERY possible Lindell may have been given sour data. We won't know until the packets come out. The more he delays that, the more he looks like he is trying to hide the fact he has been had.
I don't know much about this guy, but he is there, seems legit, and he isn't painting a good picture of the data.
- Ron's (CodeMonkeyZ) portion is a train-wreck.
It's been over an hour of them wandering through file structures without a set goal and Ron being unable to connect long enough to share anything of worth. It isn't that they don't have something significant, but they aren't effectively showing what they have is of any merit at all. In other words, they come off as if they are making mountain out of mole hills, whether they are or not.
Each nugget they are sharing COULD be significant in the big picture, but because they are just now finding them they are showing the ass-end of data analysis which is very much trial and error; something most people just don't understand. It's not like the movies where hackerman420 jams on a keyboard while bullets fly around and he magically finds the blueprints to the encoded superweapon. 90% of programming and data analysis is bashing your head against the wall long enough that the wall breaks down before your blood from your forehead fills the room and drowns you.
If a plumber keeps going out to his truck over and over again, how many trips does it take before you start getting worried he doesn't know what he is doing?
If they can pull it together, I will eat my hat. Right now, this isn't a confident showing.
- Lindell is missing on the stage.
He's probably doing damage control or sleeping. Either way, he needs to get something substantial out more than his infomercial candor, because the data isn't looking safe right now. IF the packets and data is indeed sour, he needs to get on stage RIGHT NOW to shift the attention from the counts he showed yesterday and highlight the whistleblower leaks ASAP.
That said, here's my theory on what is actually happening more than the Media and Cabal knows:
I believe his Red Team has the "real" data while he shows off the sour data they spiked him as a target dummy for the media to report on.
Just like the SoS of Colorado getting Omea Wa'd, he could be feigning that they have built their entire argument on sour data, but unbeknownst to the MSM and Cabal he's actually had the real data all along. He gets them to report on his Cyber Symposium and waste time pre-writing articles they won't be able to use.
The goal would be to net all the MSM in to report on how Mike Lindell has been had only to turn the script on them and announce his sources AREN'T what they thought. I don't like how this plays out, personally, because the MSM really doesn't even care about getting caught in a lie at this point, but I digress.
Meanwhile, the 7pm blue-ball yesterday being delayed to Thursday might literally be the entire reason for the Cyber Symposium. Everything we've seen is just a dog and pony show to grab attention from as many people as possible so they can't bury the one REAL thing Whitehats want to get out. The train wreck we are seeing now may be stalling because they really did intend to get it out on Day 1 but now they have to reconfigure the schedule around the fact the Big Nugget hasn't come out yet.
Either way, I'm not too happy today. I don't believe disproving Lindell here on the data will matter, because even if he has sour data we know Patriots have it all. I am disappointed, however, that nothing has come out thus far that is new. Most of what has been shown has already been touched on in the previous movies Lindell has produced.
Don't get me wrong, even without the packet data being real, ENOUGH EVIDENCE IS HERE to prove they rigged the election through the compromised machines three ways to Sunday, but there isn't a veritable "Smoking Gun" topic to push us over the hill.
Honestly, I'm beginning to doubt ANYTHING would be able to put a dent in the MSM's armor to accountability on sharing fake news, so this may have been a futile effort from the start, as far as proofs and data is concerned.
It has been far more effective in building the narrative that the MSM isn't to be trusted than anything else at this point, and if that gets subverted by sour data, it might all be for naught.
They just compared the before and after images of a server (after Dominion came in and did an 'update'). The Dominion update wiped all the SQL ballot databases as well as all the log files. Basically re-imaged the entire server with a clean slate. Covering tracks much?