I'm sorry, I've been in this scene for a very, very long time and with experience comes balance and a holistic understanding. If you really know your shit in *nix then you can def get around better than this even in an os you're not familiar with.
Ron knew the exact folder path that holds the windows logs files. He may not know batch commands or syntax but should be able to decipher most of it's purpose.
LOL, just because the implementations of their data structures are different has nothing to do with walking the tree and manipulation. What you're referring to appears to be shell differentials and while cmd.exe/PS are different than *sh, there is enough similarity to not stumble around like a drunkard. Even more so if you use graphical mechanisms. All he had to do was to use msys2 and away he went. Ridiculous.
You've got to be kidding me. A 5 second search yields you use Event Viewer. You clearly don't know what you're talking about either. This is incredible.
I'm sorry, I've been in this scene for a very, very long time and with experience comes balance and a holistic understanding. If you really know your shit in *nix then you can def get around better than this even in an os you're not familiar with.
Ron knew the exact folder path that holds the windows logs files. He may not know batch commands or syntax but should be able to decipher most of it's purpose.
LOL, just because the implementations of their data structures are different has nothing to do with walking the tree and manipulation. What you're referring to appears to be shell differentials and while cmd.exe/PS are different than *sh, there is enough similarity to not stumble around like a drunkard. Even more so if you use graphical mechanisms. All he had to do was to use msys2 and away he went. Ridiculous.
You've got to be kidding me. A 5 second search yields you use Event Viewer. You clearly don't know what you're talking about either. This is incredible.