Recently masks were mandated in Illinois for schools. Our school board had already stated they were optional except for buses. Because they're public transportation, they were required. Tonight, they had an emergency meeting. I revised plan was released earlier today. It stated "strongly recommended" for school property AND on the buses! It was passed unanimously.
Most other local schools are not requiring it as well. I feel like the mandate is a test to see if they still have power over us and they clearly do not. I'm ridiculously introverted so it took a lot for me to get up there today. But I did it! I not only got applause after my speech, but during it as well! I'm so proud of myself, our community and our school board!
And I rode that high all the way home and made my first post. Lol
First public speech and handshake status gone all in the same day. I'm still so excited I'm about to cave and find some NyQuil or something to force me to sleep! 🤣🤣. All the excitement and support makes it easier to step outside of my box. I love it!
I'll be there with my parents. This is not ending soon. Bring as many people as possible. Everyone's starting to have enough. People that said I was crazy a week or two ago now are asking what to do.