Just like cockroaches, for every shill you see, there's thousands more you don't. But your mod team sees 'em. Some of these diseased shills are DIRECTLY demon-possessed. They want YOU and our patriotic cause back under their evil control. CONDITION ORANGE! Thank you, patriots! WWG1WGA!!!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Mostly the same thing which would normally happen if there would be never Q.
Some pissed out people. Maybe some extremists stoped by the hope military will do things they dreamed instead of them.
If governments would do things they do ("vaccine",taking guns in USA and so on) there would be resistance the same like it would be without Q.The only difference is it will not grow gradually but will blow.
The only real difference if Q wouldn't work will be about Trump,Flynn,Lindell and so on... From perceived heroes to public enemies in one day. If Q would fail,if Q and military would not be true.
As Sun Tzu said:
Why is it so ?
It isn't about winning possible civil war.It is about winning it before it happens. What civil war would cause ? The same thing like internal sabotage done by traitors in government but faster. If external enemy is for example China and internal enemy is cooperating with China "winning" civil war against internal enemy is already probably losing to China bit later. This is why military would be only way.
Kill and break things XD This thing can do anybody... Doing it so effective loses are controlled or relatively minimal requires specialists however. Afganistan "looks lost" now. Ok. But why it was attacked years ago with use of army instead of being nuked to ash ? Doesn't USA have nukes ? Or Iraq. Why USA not burned Iraq to ashes ? By the way - you saw probably "Black Hawk Dawn". US army suffered big loses after getting into a trap in Mog. How big were the loses of Aidid militia however ?