I don't know if I've missed someone explaining it before, and if I have, I'm sorry. It's been a topic a few of us in my area have been discussing without zeroing in on the answer as we're looking for ways to help others wake up. (Admittedly, I don't know what that says about us.)
Does anyone know why are there people awake versus asleep? Not just recently, but even going backward 60 years. Why isn't everyone affected by the psy ops? Why do we see things and immediately think this is bullshit while others don't see anything wrong at all? Surely it cannot be an IQ thing. Is our skepticism from an automatic distrust in others or institutions? Is it academic from subjects we studied? Is it an independence mindset stemming from a natural desire not to be told what to do and think? Are those who appear to be oblivious to their surroundings and events actually oblivious? Or are they bullshitting us? It's like living in the twilight zone.
That is EXACTLY the question that makes me interested in hanging out here.
hey if you don't believe all this Q stuff what's your interpretation on what's going on in the world?
Honestly? I think literally everything has been predictable by accepting that Trump is a man who lies narcissistically. There's not really a diplomatic way of saying that, so I'm just saying it outright.
The vaccines make sense if you accept that Trump downplayed the virus because he didn't know how to handle it and was looking bad right before an election. Then he did Warp Speed and how wants credit for the vaccine because it makes him look good. He's said on tape that he downplayed the virus and that it was dangerous.
The election fraud claims aren't going anywhere because Trump has never had a case, and just doesn't want to look like he lost. He knew he could lose, and seeded the idea that the only way it was possible is voter fraud, so that when he did lose, he didn't look like he lost to the people who admired him. And hence, you guys don't believe he legitimately lost.
The Deep State, Cabal, or whatever you call them doesn't exist in the form that Trump claims. He just uses them as a scapegoat any time he fails at anything. Why is Clinton not in jail like he promised? Deep State. Why did the SCOTUS picks "betray" him? Deep State, not because his case was garbage. Why did his own DOJ not seem to be on board with his theories? Deep State, not because he was talking out of his ass to protect his image.
He lies to ensure he doesn't look like he fails. That's my interpretation of the world right now. And with that assumption, literally the only time Trump has surprised me was when he told people to stand down on Jan 6th. I honestly thought he'd let them give the insurrection a real college try.
I believe there are rich criminals, and some of them talk to each other. Maybe even a Cabal of some sort. But I don't think they were ever out to get Trump. If anything, they'd love to have someone like Trump out there, because again, Trump is predictable. He'll do exactly what he needs to do to protect his image as a strong man and strategic genius. That's easy to exploit. I think Trump is literally the type of person you guys would want to be targeting, not defending. Trump exemplifies the problem of a rich, criminal Cabal. He's literally the last person that would be qualified to fight them.
And I think Q is basically a fan fiction written about Trump's scapegoat version of the Cabal. I don't think Q is anyone other than an internet troll who enjoyed his fame for a while, and then stopped posting when he realized that there'd be an insurrection at his house if he was revealed to be a nobody.
I could be 100% wrong. And I lose nothing by waiting to see if I am.
But so far, I've had a pretty good track record at predicting things that are going to happen in Trump world based on believing this about Trump. Q people have had a pretty rough time predicting how things are going to play out by accepting Q and Trump's version of reality.
They can't explain vaccines. Failures and flops are designated as deliberate misinformation to confuse the Deep State or optics. People you guys used to cherish are now enemies and traitors. The fact that the military doesn't appear to be mobilizing against the government is reinterpreted to say that the military is moving VERY secretly and VERY precisely to avoid detection.
So until I find it harder to predict the world by believing Trump is a liar than I do by believing literally everyone except Trump is a liar, then I'm going to stick with the reality that is easier to predict. Predicting the future is literally the point of logic and science, and I can't do that with Q beliefs as things stand.
Appreciate your posts but you need to do more research into Q, not the Qanon conspiracy theory. Q and the Trump administration are undoubtedly connected.
I understand why you believe that better than I get credit for.
I think that you guys typically assume that if I don't agree with you, it's because I haven't see all the evidence or are not understanding the connections you want me to make.
It certainly makes your argument stronger to you if you believe the only possible way to disagree with the argument is to not understand it. It would be harmful to your idea of a "Great Awakening" if an intelligent someone actually DOES understand and read your evidence, and disagrees with it anyway.
I believe I'm that person. I think there are a LOT of such intelligent people who review your stuff and don't find it compelling.
As I've said before, the single greatest leap forward for the Q movement would be unmasking Q and proving he's someone important enough to make the claims that he does.
Because right now, most of us don't think that Q is a psyop by the Deep State. We think he's just a 20-something year old nobody on a chan who got the better of you guys. That's it.
If you can prove he's not a nobody, then you'll COMPEL people to give his evidence more credit. Because nobody feels compelled to read the theories of someone who is probably a nobody, especially given the social costs that Q beliefs typically demand of its adherents right now.
Q can save the movement and jump-start the Great Awakening RIGHT NOW by coming forth and proving he's a military intelligence guy. Someone with the credentials to know the things he claims to know. There's no way to get through to most people until Q's identity is proven to be legitimately who he claims to be.
Fair assessment I think, and it is a logical argument. I'm still in the Q camp because of the solid q proofs I've seen, but to each's own.
We understand you don't believe the legitimacy of Q, this is about in general awake vs brainwashed. Or why there are those of us that question/are skeptical of everything while others believe the popular narrative.