posted ago by TexasAggie85 ago by TexasAggie85 +18 / -0

Let me tell you a little story...

Yesterday afternoon we stopped by our local Wal-Mart (don't hate - only option unless we drive 42 miles!) to pick up a gallon of milk & a pint of ice cream. While there, decided to grab a 12pk of beer. No big thing, right? WRONG! Now, we usually use the scan & go app so we do not have to deal with the checkout lines, etc. Since we purchased beer - all the satellites started freaking out and the swat team came out (exaggerating but a hat tip to Ron White there!). Again, minor irritation, but not that big a deal. So the lady asks to see my ID...ok - interesting since I am 60 and COMPLETELY gray headed, again - not such a huge deal. The kicker was when she asked to see my wife's (also gray headed) ID as well!!!! WTF - why??? She doesn't even drink! I was schooled by the cashier - they now are "required" to check the ID of everyone in the party. (Wonder what they would do if I had my 3 yo grandchild with me?) And yes - I do know that's a lie and I did call their corporate office when I got home to tattle.

The quick stop at Wal-Mart turned into a HUGE ordeal - needless to say, we left without the beer, milk OR ice cream! AND, in the future, our milk will have to come from further away & we will be making our own ice cream!

Granted our Walmart is a prime example of a petty, ignorant, dumb ass tyrant (store manager) hiring people who are even less qualified than him, but these people SERIOUSLY believe that they are the supreme deity and us lessor mortals must bow down & obey.

Things are getting "worser & worser" out there folks. Buckle up & be safe!