the author of the article, and whoever else is named in the suit have to sit down in front of camera and on the record and answer questions from veritas lawyer.
they will be held accountable for once in their life. finally, these vermin will have to give straight honest answers on the record. they must be ready to kill themselves with panic, because they know they are going to be torn to shreds.
this is the extremely unusual, and the only way its made it this far must be due to extremely compelling evidence that veritas has. This lawsuit has the potential to break the back of the NYT.
the author of the article, and whoever else is named in the suit have to sit down in front of camera and on the record and answer questions from veritas lawyer.
they will be held accountable for once in their life. finally, these vermin will have to give straight honest answers on the record. they must be ready to kill themselves with panic, because they know they are going to be torn to shreds.
this is the extremely unusual, and the only way its made it this far must be due to extremely compelling evidence that veritas has. This lawsuit has the potential to break the back of the NYT.