Interesting side note I read a while back. Certain Chinese manufacturers of baby products expected a large downturn in profits in 2022. Anyone think of a valid reason for that? I mean other than a massive problem of chronic miscarriages caused by vaccinated women whose bodies are now programmed to attack spike proteins which just happen to also be in placental tissue thereby causing a large portion of the world's population to be effectively infertile? Even if that only affects 30% of the jabbed, that's huge.
what would cause births to go down when deaths go up?
There is no relationship.
Deaths go up because births went up. Period. That's all.
Births go down because of social/economic situation. Look at japan, korea, Taiwan They're full. Population levelled off. It'll go up slightly, down slightly but barring any war or disaster will probably stay the same.
People are not stopping having babies. But instead of everyone having 3+ kids on average, it'll be 2.1 kids average. Cities are full. Worlds full. Yes, there is a lot of wilderness still, but it's needed to conserve natural wildlife and capture carbon.
No it's just death-rate catching up to birth-rate:
People are living longer now than ever before.
This chart is even more alarming! Why predict births going down and deaths going up? What would cause such a phenomenon ?
Interesting side note I read a while back. Certain Chinese manufacturers of baby products expected a large downturn in profits in 2022. Anyone think of a valid reason for that? I mean other than a massive problem of chronic miscarriages caused by vaccinated women whose bodies are now programmed to attack spike proteins which just happen to also be in placental tissue thereby causing a large portion of the world's population to be effectively infertile? Even if that only affects 30% of the jabbed, that's huge.
Deaths go up because births went up. Births go down because they think the population will level off at ~10.9B
Again, what would cause births to go down when deaths go up? Why would people stop having babies??? What do they think is going to happen?
Many people have been sterilized from the jab already.
Think for a second.
There is no relationship.
Deaths go up because births went up. Period. That's all.
Births go down because of social/economic situation. Look at japan, korea, Taiwan They're full. Population levelled off. It'll go up slightly, down slightly but barring any war or disaster will probably stay the same.
People are not stopping having babies. But instead of everyone having 3+ kids on average, it'll be 2.1 kids average. Cities are full. Worlds full. Yes, there is a lot of wilderness still, but it's needed to conserve natural wildlife and capture carbon.