Couldn't watch as much as I wanted;
Did they share the PCAPS? Do we know they had them?
Was Lindell attacked in his hotel room?
Was there evidence black hats cyber attacked the streams?
Are the Dominion lawsuits a good thing?
How did the state delegates react?
Your take on the legitimacy of the claims and what happens now?
The short on the PCAPs is that Mike forced Dominion to get the judge to advance the case. Which means discovery. Which is good long-term.
But that also means if he releases the data now, the judge might not let him use it in his defense, which means no discovery. So that's bad for the short-term.
Dominion is using a delay tactic, but at the cost of discovery, which is BIG, especially since Sidney Powell is involved.
But it is really, really bad for the Symposium. They are already running articles saying he didn't hand over the MAIN thing he said he would provide.
Prayers are needed now that the world doesn't collapse before discovery actually, finally happens.
Best explanation of the PCAPs, thanks.