Perhps this post is more suited to Pat' - if so please notify!
Most Trump supporters will agree that it was his energy that first caught their attention to our movement. A key concept about energy is that you are either flowing with it or against it. Every action, word, and thought either builds or diminishes energy (especially political energy).
Why do you think Trump mentions "our movement" as much as he does? The people behind the movement need to match his energy. Building energy and overcoming the system IS the Great Awakening.
This leaves a 0 room for sympathizers of the evil we are fighting against. "Nothing will happen. Nothing ever does. He/she is untouchable. The system will always be corrupt." Take a guess which side is fueled by this energy?
Call this limp wristed Commie/Neo-Marxist sympathizers out. THIS IS JEB BUSH LEVEL OF LOW ENERGY. YOU CAN EITHER GET ON THE TRAIN OR GET OFF THE TRACKS.
Do not let anyone get away with concernfagging or being a wet blanket for our movement! Whether here, Twitter, or off the web. Do not let them de-legitimize! RINO's aren't only in congress folks. It's time to clean house of LOW ENERGY!
Sometimes though people in this fight need a little pick me up. That's got to be part of why we are here, right?
There's a difference between being down or having doubt and fighting against holding our leaders accountable. It drives me insane when I see responses of "Nancy's untouchable. Nothing with happen."
What other outcome do you expect when that's what you believe?
Ok that makes sense to me. I don't like when I see a regular name we see all the time have a bad day and people jump all over them and call them doomers. Logic would dictate there are a lot of military head fakes going on intended for the other side. And they are probably working but three years of "Soon!" and "Now they all lose" takes its toll on the average Joe. It has also made a lot of us who are trying to wake up others, look batshit crazy. DeGenova, Hannity, even Cates and CTH have been predicting imminent justice for a very long time. Feels similar to two weeks to bend the curve to me sometimes.
Then people need to read Q proofs. I will say something once or twice, and it's usually to people saying nothings happening, and why hasn't trump done anything. Thing is I'm not always very nice about it because he is doing, this is a huge operation. a huge part of it is up to us, getting involved at the local level taking back our cities, counties and states from the dems, even if you're firmly ensconsed in a red state like I am, there are still rinos and we need to be vigilant.
I sometime say that, but more often than not I just hit the deport doomer button.
🎼 MOVE BITCH…get out the way 🎵
Maybe the level of dooming and shilling has been intense over the last week or so, and your point applies to some degree but it also suggests that pedes are easily doomed. It has been most reassuring to see that that is not the case on GAW. Most doomers, shills and other plants have not been able to keep up with the stories moving so fast. They are having to look to external sources for info or are reduced to insults. Either way, pedes took the lead.