I havent seen thus question: wouldn't the enemy know this occured? They use the media to spin everything. I cant come up with a good reason why i haven't seen things like TRUMP ABUSES DEVOLUTION TO STEAL ELECTION, or TRUMPISTS WITHIN CORRUPT MILITARY ILLEGALLY SEIZE POWER TO SUBVERT CONSTITUTION or something?! Why in the world would the elite agree with Trump to keep a lid on this until good beats evil?
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If they start writing stories on Devolution, it will put a light on it and make it seem a real thing (what they don't want) normies will start looking up Devolution and they will lose more of their sleeping subjects. They opened pandoras box by doing any reporting on Q over the years as it is and found themselves needing to put a LOT of effort and hit pieces and money on Q every since to try and make it go away and they are failing..
'They will lose more of their sleeping subjects' - brilliant
Knowing what Devolution is, I can't help but remember many of the chants of last summer out of the protests and out right riots. Some of it, applies to Devolution but, the subjects in the riled up mobs were(and still are) being pointed at the "wrong source" to blame for the need of change. As always, they are pointing at a source as being the "evil" reason of what THEY themselves are doing. I honestly believe that, it is those people, if they actually take the time to read and understand Devolution will realize this and that is something THEY would not want.
What is devolution?
Ohhhh - you're in for a syringe of hoping right into your soul patriot!
I linked part 8 because it has links to the other 7 but, start on part 1 and enjoy!
Read it! It makes so much sense. Also EO13848 wasn't pulled by Biden. That alone gives me hope. It's the trap for the Cabal, Trump was the bait. They had to let them steal the election to trip the EO. Trump and the military knew they would do election fraud and setup the death blow. Right now, the smaller puppets & sleepers are being exposed. Also the bigger boys are just making more and more evidence against themselves.
Military will come in and clean this mess up.
I don't know what it will look like after that.