This is what is so perplexing about this situation. If they have fake ballots, and if they "have it all" why do we need a symposium, or a forensic audit? Produce the proof of the fake ballots, and then we will fight like hell.
I have a feeling that the swamp is so deep, that they are still draining that som bitch. Seriously, more bad actors [pawns] are still being taken out and/or being forced to show their hand every single day
This is what is so perplexing about this situation. If they have fake ballots, and if they "have it all" why do we need a symposium, or a forensic audit? Produce the proof of the fake ballots, and then we will fight like hell.
I have a feeling that the swamp is so deep, that they are still draining that som bitch. Seriously, more bad actors [pawns] are still being taken out and/or being forced to show their hand every single day