I don’t see anyone getting this ball rolling here… Fortune 500 company with mandatory vaccination by a certain time in oct or something. Union is in the pockets with corporate and their only excuse is “company is a private entity” (but publicly traded??)
I’m not backing down. They’ll have to fire me. I just hope more people where who think like me have the balls to stand up for this tyrannical garbage
I did a google search for lawyers representing families in my local area vs school districts/mandates. I found a case going on today with a teacher suing his school over mask mandates. The same law firm represented the State Senators vs Hobbs for the AZ audits, so he's a swamp fighter. I reached out to represent me, as I also want to take on the phoenix diocese for their mandatory mask/vax mandates. So, maybe start with a google search and go from there. There ARE attorneys taking this on....Good luck!
Yes a Google search lead me to an article where businesses were suing the governor for unconstitutional shut downs which lead me to a law firm that handled those cases and are currently handling other similar Fortune 500 company cases. Well keep you guys informed. I believe I am the first one who actually called them regarding the company I work for