Although there are many other legitimate things to worry about, those things are meant to divide our attention and thin out their enemies (All of us).
Mask mandates are important to fight, however it is futile if our elections are rigged.
Vaccine bullshit is important to fight, however it is futile if our elections are rigged.
Our border, corruption, BLM, Antifa, the “insurrection”, ALL OF IT is important, but you are fighting a fucking useless battle if our elections are rigged!!!!!!
I get it, but we have to win the WAR, not every battle. If we get our elections back we win.
If we get our elections back, we will win it ALL.
I get it, but I doubt all of those things happened to you personally. All I am saying is none of it matters if we lose the war. If we lose the ability to pick people who represent OUR beliefs, we have nothing. We lose it all.
Telling me to fuck off sounds like a very "liberal" response to an opposing view. I argue with them for entertainment quite a bit.
Most of us as "what can I do?" I am simply offering my opinion. If that hurts your feelings, well then, you are soft.