Although there are many other legitimate things to worry about, those things are meant to divide our attention and thin out their enemies (All of us).
Mask mandates are important to fight, however it is futile if our elections are rigged.
Vaccine bullshit is important to fight, however it is futile if our elections are rigged.
Our border, corruption, BLM, Antifa, the “insurrection”, ALL OF IT is important, but you are fighting a fucking useless battle if our elections are rigged!!!!!!
I get it, but we have to win the WAR, not every battle. If we get our elections back we win.
If we get our elections back, we will win it ALL.
How does one stay focused on the audits when: Their child is taken away because they refused to have them vaccinated? When their homes are broken into because of illegal terrorists coming over the border? When their kids cried because they were bullied for being white thanks to CRT?
Fuck off with this one trick pony crap.
Well said. It gets old. I can do 5 things at once.
The reality is we are in a battle. Divide and conquer is a term we all know. It is a well known term because it is true.
Our elections are the only weapon we have. We have lost the narrative, we do not control the legislature, both parties are against us.
I am simply saying, if we lose the ability to put in place people who represent our views, than the things you are complaining about will never change.
I offer a potential solution, you offer a moan. What is your solution?
I couldn't agree with you more that the audits and election integrity is the number 1 issue.... by far !! But I can still multitask in my fighting ability. As far as what you are saying right now. Yes. Nothing else matters If our vote doesn't count. The fight will be over and we will have to run for the hills in fear of the gastapo and the gas chambers. But... as I watch the audit and ... wait.... ima fight everywhere. Because it's what I do !