I live in Washington state and our idiot governor is mandating all state employees and all healthcare workers to get vaccinated.
I've managed to hook up with a good group of patriots here and we plan to fight this thing till the end. That being said, I'm beginning to realize the very real possibility that my family will not have an income by next month. Our last resort is to move out of this state to a place where vaccines aren't mandatory for state and healthcare workers. Even if we beat this mandate somehow, we may still move. I kinda hate this state now.
Any healthcare or state workers here who live in a state that doesn't require that bullshit vaccine? Is it even worth the hassle of moving or will every state eventually require the stupid thing? Not fans of super hot weather.. We do not mind snow and cold weather too much, but Alaska is a little much. So.. South Dakota? Wyoming?
This is depressing.. but I trust in the Lord and the plan he has for me and my family. I'd appreciate any prayers and advice. Thanks, guys.
Its the same way in NC. My wife and I will both be losing our jobs around the end of September. There is no where to move. The time of running is over. Either we fight or surrender, but I'm still breathing so the latter is not an option for me.
Wishing/waiting for trump is not a plan. Organizing with others and demonstrating is good but uphill battle for sure. I’m a fellow Wa St resident and strongly considering Montana.unfortunately Montana is under heavy migration from California (Bozeman, Missoula) avoid if possible - numbers still favor conservatives and could use good Americans to keep it that way.....too bad Wa has always been one of the most beautiful states - politics have destroyed the beauty.
I know exactly what you mean. I live on the eastern side of Washington and it's pretty rural and the polar opposite of Seattle. Yet this side of the state is getting fucked over by the coasties. Infuriating.
From what I can tell, Georgia doesn’t have any vaccine or mask mandates. They suggest it but there aren’t any laws looking to force it. I’m not sure if that extends to state employees. I know some hospitals are requiring vaccine and such, but not all, so I can only assume it isn’t a state mandate but individual hospitals. At our kids schools (we have one kid in high school, one in middle and two in elm) neither kids nor teachers are required to wear masks or have the poke. I don’t think they are even allowed to ask.you don’t see many people now days around here with masks.
Well, the CDC is in Atlanta and they don't require jabs for their workers...wonder if they know something we don't know?
I'm in west Ga...never wore a mask or did any stupid hoax bullshit never got sick or know ANYBODY who did🤔😆 I have a sped child at elm school and there were masks last yr, none so far this yr.. I made it perfectly clear my child WILL NOT BE masked or treated any diff or THEY would meet my lawyer..and yes I have a lawyer on retainer now......I have crossed paths with my board of ed and threatened them on camera also...THEY do not like me....but THEY don't dare try me 👍🇺🇸 Good luck patriots....Ga will not fall!!
I’m the same. I never wore a mask except for the school or doc office. The pediatrician office I can kind of understand, but our pedi is cool and as soon as you’re in the exam room all masks are off. Even the doc if it was well child visit. Hubby and I have 6 kids (yes they are all his lol 😜) and our 8 yr old son has a heart defect, (another reason on our list to refuse the jab) so we spend plenty of time with the doc.
As far as the school last year…I raise enough stink over things that it just wasn’t something I had the patients to argue about. Lol. But anywhere else I refused. Would even walk out of a store if I had to. I was even pregnant with our youngest when all this stupid shit started. Ever since they lifted any mandates in ga though, it was like practically everyone went back to normal save for a few sheep. Thats one thing about GA, the majority of people are conservative and don’t buy into it. Which is another reason it’s totally a lie that Trump lost GA. There just is no way.
Same here, I live in Hawaii, our govenor is a leftist moron who sounds like kermit the frog and mandated the vaccine for all state and city n county workers, not to mention the federal mandate. We still have mandatory masks practically everywhere including schools at every level. If you want your kid to play any kind of sports they need to be vaccinated or they cant play. Families are moving and some are sending their kids to live with relatives so they can play sports. First responders are bringing a lawsuit against the state. As this moves forward more people lose their jobs. Disgusting.
Alaska aint so bad. Just wear layers. :)
It's finally getting dark at night, sleep is much easier.