tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have never heard that song. You are so right...what a GREAT way to learn scripture. As a musician I have always been drawn to scripture put to music as a way to memorize scripture. I am reading through the Bible this year and I am just finishing up Isaiah so I am going to use this song to memorize the chapter. Thank you very much for this blessing!

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am MUCH too young to know about "The Shadow"...unlike you...πŸ˜‚...

tweety51A 4 points ago +4 / -0

An excellent article which names names...interesting...things (and people) are NOT always as they appear to be.

tweety51A 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do too...she does her research. I like Clayton Morris also...I hate that people ignore this info.

tweety51A 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank you for your very thoughtful post. It is interesting that you use women's basketball to make a very valid point. My kids went to school with Maya Moore and so when she played for Connecticut and then Minnesota we learned to enjoy women's basketball. Women basketball players (including the fake women ie. Brittney Griner) are very interesting to watch. There is much talent but also much prejudice and deception, as you are aware.

I understand completely the points you are trying to make, and I wholeheartedly concur. There is SO much around us that we need to question...skepticism is certainly warranted, and discernment is the name of the game. We are constantly deceived about everything, and I am grateful that there are others that see that. The greatest truth at the moment is that God is on His throne and Christ the King will be returning for his church. Beyond that...who knows...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read the comments below the post...it is FAKE. Way too much false info posted.

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

She had a wonderful 40th birthday July 13th. Her family visited...the kids decorated beautiful t-shirts...they sang Happy Birthday...they relaxed the rules and she got to touch and hold the kids for 2 hours. Later that night the family all got on a 6 way phone call with her to wish her Happy Birthday. God is good all the time...thank you for your prayers, my friend...they mean the world to me.

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope God is opening up some new exciting doors for you. It sounds exciting!

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for sharing this video. I listened at 1.5 speed...it goes quickly. This is certainly food for thought and could very well be the situation. He certainly doesn't profess to have all the answers but utilizes his experience to make some VERY valid observations. I mean this would not be the first time that things are not what they appear to be.

I noticed many of the things he addresses and I am not experienced in anything other than critical thinking, analytical skills and pretty good powers of observation. Emotions should not control the thought process...

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

You certainly know cats...my favorite is the sole male caterwauling at night. He has a tail that lays flat across his back which is a genetic anomaly. I had never seen that before...and I am NOT a morning person...but fortunately my husband is so I get to sleep in...retirement after all...πŸ˜‰

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know that feeling...the cats are just an excuse for the crazy...actually I fostered three 3 week old kittens then just couldn't give them up...much to the chagrin of my 10 year old cat...and now 9 years later.

tweety51A 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is good...I guess I have one foot in the grave with 4 cats...πŸ˜‚...good thing I don't believe in vaccinations...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

https://t.co/1yq3fxGlRB I just listened to this interview of Andrew Basiago on Art Bell...at 1.5 speed. He has some interesting info at the end in the listener's questions concerning his knowledge of Barry Soetoro participating in some the military programs way before he was President. He also mentions that Stanley Ann was around some of these top secret places...definitely CIA...Basiago seems very credible and full of info about time travel and the black military ops. This has been perfected and has been going on for a VERY long time. I guess there are still things to learn about all this.

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

My memories go back a LONG time on some of the stuff related to Obummer...

I distinctly remember a phone interview with a girl classmate of Obama's which wasn't very flattering. He smoked a lot of pot and wasn't a very good student. They were VERY surprised he could EVER become president. She also spoke about his affairs at the Trinity United Church of Christ under Pastor Jeremiah Wright not because she had knowledge of them but because they had already happened and because of the deaths involved at the church. It was a very good interview, but it was a long time ago and I have not been able to find it again.

There were also the nude photos of Stanley Ann Durham that I recently found under "explicit photos of Stanley Ann Dunham" that are still online...I won't give a link...they were actually posted on media.communities.win...you can find it on your own. These were supposedly taken by Frank Marshall Davis who she was involved with, and this is where there was speculation as to who his birth parents actually were. It is well known he was influenced by Marshall, and it wasn't just political...he wrote a book "Sex Rebel" under a pseudonym...here is an interesting link...


I believe he looks like the founder of the Indonesian Islamic cult known as Subud, "Bapak"...Ann Dunham was a member. This goes into the birth certificate controversy with Fuddy and the fake birth certificate and her subsequent "death". What exactly is Obama's lineage?



This is a link to the Dunham's and Obama's links to the CIA.


Anyway, it is so obvious there are MANY things wrong with Obummer from start to finish. I hope you find some interesting reading. Anyone that has been around since the 2008 election is probably aware of much of this. Perhaps some of it is not well-known. All this info is buried very deep in my brain files, and they are certainly a mess but believe me after the 2008 election I had a field day finding out about so much that was going on but it is all long ago and far away...

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes...there will certainly be great persecution of Christians. I believe the great delusion is already in play. I expect the FEMA camps and guillotines are for Christians...perhaps even the coffins...but I don't think there is any respect for a dead body from these satanists. God will see us through to the end whatever and whenever that will be.

tweety51A 3 points ago +3 / -0

I might add that just because you "can" learn to do something doesn't mean you should...I learned that from Walter Veith...which is why it is important to "test the spirits."

tweety51A 3 points ago +3 / -0

I absolutely agree...ALL roads lead to the one true God but the road becomes very narrow. The biggest problem today is that satan has set himself up as a very poor substitute for the real God with people who worship at the altar of Baal/Moloch etc. so people have been genuinely confused when satan parades himself as light, enlightenment or sacred knowledge. Discernment in the spiritual realm is so necessary.

tweety51A 5 points ago +5 / -0

Being a black homosexual is called being on the down low because homosexuality is not accepted in the black community like it is in the white community. These are great resources...this was all known since Bathhouse Barry came on the scene and we all were amazed at the Black Liberation Theology preached by none other than Reverend Wright.

I will say Obummers proclivity for men goes back to his high school days in Hawaii. His mom is CIA and her associations and lifestyle all stunk to high heaven. I wonder what happened to the classmates that released the videos on the real Barry Soetoro. Great comments and info.

tweety51A 25 points ago +25 / -0

I ask God to be with your dad especially and with your whole family....it is very difficult to deal with the unknown and I pray the doctors will find the cause of his problems and be able to correct it. My mom had 2 major episodes of congestive heart failure and recovered enough that she lived to 90 so there is always hope...God bless your family.

tweety51A 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is ABSOLUTELY TRUE...but is it a legal defense that will keep them from any accountability? The whole vaccine industry is controlled by Big Pharma with the military complicit in it all. Evil has many minions to destroy the earth and its' people...this is just one exposure to the truth.

tweety51A 7 points ago +7 / -0

I had never seen this clip and many years ago did a lot of research on this...string theory, yellow box/cube, astral projection, remote viewing, project looking glass etc. I have never read the book you suggest but there was a TON of info on all this online. I even listened to early interviews with Tony Rodriguez on his 20 and back experience on Mars. It truly is all very fascinating and worthy of study to understand. Tesla also figures prominently in this story.

About this time I was also listening to the entire lecture series of Walter Veith and his testimony as to how he became a Christian and this included his experience with the occult and RV. It has to do with the healing of his child and is also all very interesting and I like that this very intelligent college professor experienced much of this reality.

Walter Vieth is an excellent researcher and teacher and I have learned SO much from him. It is most interesting when he does a Biblical study of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation and the 6000 years timeline of the Bible...well researched and presented...this was all a process of learning for me.

All of this info is true but I come down on the side of the major event...the Great Awakening if you will...is actually ushering in the Second Coming of Christ and as such we are in the last days. God is in control and obviously we could be "ascending" to a higher spiritual level if God so deems, but I am cognizant that there will be a great deception that will fool even the elect in the end times...so I am grateful for all this knowledge, information and awakening, but I am also careful of making sure what lines up with what God says about our future.

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