Thanks for all the great advice. I did defeat Stage III breast cancer. I have a messedI right arm which is weak and swollen sometimes because my lymphnodes were removed. On top of that I have a rare birth defect, in fact it was misdiagnosed so many times. I finally went to see a specialist (Neurosurgeon) in NYC one of the top ten in the country. I have a damaged lung so he said I would not survive the 12+ hour surgery. I am on oxygen and then some Trilogy machine at night and have a portable tank which don't work with crap. I am afraid that when the SHTF, I have no chance. I am not strong physically. I guess I could be something with my oxygen tank. What if they mess with our electric grids and I have no way of using these machines. I have a couple of the regular canister tanks in case. Maybe I should ask for more. My condition involves severe back pain. I am about to lay down and ice for a while. It helps but it is only temporary. I don't want to take any heave drugs, no medical marijuana. Supplements, vitamins, any advice. If I had to evacuate I would never be able to carry all this equipment I have. I have been prepping as well and just can't figure out this situation. WWG1WGA but I don't want to die because I am physically incapable. Any suggestions?
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