A friend was telling me that by 2022 there will be no option to homeschool your children in France. It's a worry we share that these laws will come here. You see from some other posts that I also worry over children for many other reasons. It is an emergency. I had a bit of a long and convoluted prayer I've been working on and not getting solidified in my head, and that really did bring things into focus well. I'm so worried about all children everywhere, but teaching at VBS made some of that back off. It's because I did some tiny bit to stave off what I always see as the essential emergency of our time. It is so urgent to just tell people about Jesus! https://gratefulwifesprayers.wordpress.com/2021/08/14/a-prayer-to-tell-worry-and-trouble-where-to-go/
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Lord, You said that should anyone harm a child it would be better he be tied to a millstone. By Your own words we pray for the safety of all children, your innocent ones, your purest ones. Lord protect them all. Amen