Wtf are we doing letting our women fight our battles? Have you lost your balls? Where is the apex predator alpha male inside of you? Yes the plan is real but why are we not engaging on all fronts? Why are we not defending our momma bears. Are your skinny jeans to tight? Step the fuck up boys!!! asap
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One thing we should rethink is the very word Homophobe... there are (in my opinion) VERY few Homophobes on this Planet. Phobe means "fear of" so you wanna tell me there are real men that are afraid of Homosexuals? LOL! Nope! There are lots of Men that do not like Homosexuals, that's not being homophobe at all! Some just are not ok with the behavior of homosexuals, some because of religious motives, some because of reminding them of the Idea of that sexual act being somehow like being raped. Just a thought...