This is the wrong answer. If you are going to leave?, first find a lawyer who will make sure you get custody of your kids. Make a plan, or you WILL get screwed by the family court system. Been there, done thay; my 12 year old has suffered for 8 years for it, and because emotional harm is a lot harder to prove than physical, we basically have to wait it out until she is old enough to tell her dad to fuck off.
I don't think the courts will side with me. I am a white male in a hive mind state. I am guilty because of my skin. Fortunately, we are not there at this moment where we need lawyers. Mainly, I can not let my boys grow up without a father and a mother. they need that balance in life.
It's not balance if the mother makes authoritative decisions singly. There has to be a man's manly influence for balance, not just a body around that happens to have a penis. Find your leverage.
Two kids, i told her to leave
Did you? Lawyer up quickly if you can. Its your only way. What state? If you don’t mind. You can say blue or red
Thats tough. NY is going to be horrible at helping you. Still, I wonder what a lawyer might suggest.
Prayers are best, you have them from me. I am sorry about the woman in your life, what a shame she is
This is the wrong answer. If you are going to leave?, first find a lawyer who will make sure you get custody of your kids. Make a plan, or you WILL get screwed by the family court system. Been there, done thay; my 12 year old has suffered for 8 years for it, and because emotional harm is a lot harder to prove than physical, we basically have to wait it out until she is old enough to tell her dad to fuck off.
I don't think the courts will side with me. I am a white male in a hive mind state. I am guilty because of my skin. Fortunately, we are not there at this moment where we need lawyers. Mainly, I can not let my boys grow up without a father and a mother. they need that balance in life.
It's not balance if the mother makes authoritative decisions singly. There has to be a man's manly influence for balance, not just a body around that happens to have a penis. Find your leverage.
You are correct and you wife can chamge