posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +528 / -0

My email stated our desires (symposium) and instructed them to reach out to their colleagues and organize such an event. It seems however they want us to encourage our elected officials to contact them(PIC).

Here was my email to PIC:

The American people are interested in holding a national/international symposium on Covid 19. We have lots of reports of deaths from the vaccines all the while we see vaccine mandates being imposed. This is frightening. Many doctors are speaking out individually about the negative side effects of these vaccines however I think a collaborative approach would be much more informative and influencing. Topics of the symposium could include but not limited to, therapeutics, how to obtain these therapeutics, vaccine side effects and statistics, unconstitutionality of these mandates, family of people who have died, class action lawsuits. Please contact Rand Paul and organize this.

The response came from Nikki Leeds, the Outreach Director of Physicians for Informed Consent. She simply stated, "I like the idea very much. Please invite Senator Paul to connect with PIC."

Here is the contact info she gave me:

Nikki Leeds

Outreach Director

Physicians for Informed Consent

4533 MacArthur Boulevard#1277

Newport Beach, CA 92660


So, here we go, we need to flood Senator Paul's email with Nikki's contact information and have them organize this.

Here is Rand Paul's Senate email:


Here is Senator Ron Johnson's Senate email:


Here is Senator Doug Mastriano's email:


You can use my original email to PIC, change it up if you wish and send it to our senators with a request to contact PIC and provide Nikki's contact info.

I sent the same email to Robert Kennedy's organization CHD (Children's Health Defense). The response I got came from a Laura S. who basically stated Bobby has been part of several symposiums.

"Many such symposiums have been held and Bobby has been involved with several. Laura S."

Here is CHD email: chd@childrenshealthdefense.org

Perhaps we should encourage our senators to reach out to Robert Kennedy as well.

This has been the extent of the replies I have so far, I will keep you updated if I hear more.

Thanks for your time,

Email our senators

Stay safe and God Bless