I always say, every "side" has a common enemy and that enemy give half truths to all sides and puts blame on all sides against the other. .
It is not just "right wing" people who don't believe the media anymore, even if their eyes were opened by catching "right wing media" doing it to them, those eyes were open and many now can see that the "left wing media" is doing it as well and anyone who has believed that "They are the ones in the right on this" start to question EVERYTHING "how long have I been played by the media?"
How many times now has an attack happened and INSTANTLY certain people on twitter start spreading lies on who did it getting people riled up only to find out a day or so later, the info was wrong? Once or twice, oh.. just a mistake but, when it happens over and over all the time.. what do you think is going through peoples heads? You think they LIKE defending a lie that they now KNOW is a lie? Most are just waiting for others (on their "side") to stand up and start saying something, if anything to prove to themselves that they are not confused and OH, others see what is going on to, it is not just me!" Those that have migrated to forums like here, have it easy, they already know WHO the blame should be on and its not the average person on the left or right. IMO
I always say, every "side" has a common enemy and that enemy give half truths to all sides and puts blame on all sides against the other. .
It is not just "right wing" people who don't believe the media anymore, even if their eyes were opened by catching "right wing media" doing it to them, those eyes were open and many now can see that the "left wing media" is doing it as well and anyone who has believed that "They are the ones in the right on this" start to question EVERYTHING "how long have I been played by the media?"
How many times now has an attack happened and INSTANTLY certain people on twitter start spreading lies on who did it getting people riled up only to find out a day or so later, the info was wrong? Once or twice, oh.. just a mistake but, when it happens over and over all the time.. what do you think is going through peoples heads? You think they LIKE defending a lie that they now KNOW is a lie? Most are just waiting for others (on their "side") to stand up and start saying something, if anything to prove to themselves that they are not confused and OH, others see what is going on to, it is not just me!" Those that have migrated to forums like here, have it easy, they already know WHO the blame should be on and its not the average person on the left or right. IMO