As frustration, despair, and even depression increases for many in our country, I continue to urge patience and ask others to never lose hope. I urge ALL who love God. America, and freedom to keep fighting.
Am I a snake oil salesman peddling a fake tonic called “Hopium?”
I am a man who believes that God is real and that every word in the Holy Bible is true. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Man did not create man. So man cannot save man.
God created man. Only God can save man.
I urge patience because we must wait on the LORD.
I urge you to never lose hope because God is hope.
Hope based on the expectation that God keeps His promises. He does. If you lose hope, you have given up on God. I pray you will do the opposite and instead of giving up on God, you will rely upon Him more and more with each passing day.
As things grow darker in the world around us, remember that light ALWAYS overcomes darkness.
Keep fighting!
We are on the victory side.
All will be well.
Trust God.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Perfect Love drives away all fear.