....your average person simply cannot believe or rationalize that the world leaders and "entities in positions of power and influence" are psychopathic murderers and anti-human tyrants. "Oh c'mon man...they wouldn't do that!" is the standard thinking. Aside from that, most are too wrapped up and consumed with holding down a job, paying the mortgage, etc., and lack a reasonable world view and perspective on current events.
SOLUTION: People are going to have to be SHOWN evidence of what's going on behind the curtain....hard grueling gut-wrenching evidence. Plenty of evidence exists. Forget about whether people can handle it or not. We are at the cliff and it's time to shock people out of their slumber before it's too late.
The ancient philosophers and theologians taught that the intellect is a spiritual faculty that enables a person to understand and see the truth. They also taught that one of the immediate consequences to the sin of lust was a blinding of the intellect so you can no longer see the truth of reality.
So think about it, porn is ubiquitous and very easy to access, everyone is fornicating and committing adultery, using sex as a recreational activity rather than to bear and rear children and be responsible adults. Everyone is dead in their sin and completely blind to reality.
You see the results. How many people think there is nothing wrong with abortion which is child murder? How many people think that LGBT & sodomy is completely normal, or are atheists, or love communism/socialism, or dabble in wicca, or love open borders, or hate themselves, or believe in global warming???
You can show objects all you want to a blind man, but they will never be able to see it. You can show all the evidence of the pedosatanic deepstate, but they will never understand it. They will rationalize their blindness, they will say it is photoshopped or edited video, they will say "well Trump is probably doing the same stuff but the videos were lost" or some bullshit.
So showing the evidence is good, but the very root cause of the problem is the loss of God due to sin. People need to stop sinning so they will not be blinded by their sins. It is their blindness to the truth that will eventually destroy us and enslave us to communism and to the CCP. This is the essence of spiritual warfare, to show the truth, yes, but also to fight sin and to pray and suffer so as to merit that God will remove their blindness so they may see the truth of reality.