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I 2nd what was said below. I worked in a major teaching hospital in Ohio. I hadn’t had the flu since I was a child . When I was 60, after working 39 years in the same hospital, they started mandating the flu shot or you had to wear a mask. Many days I worked 16 hours and wearing a mask was to difficult. Fortunately I retired at age 65 and then 1 year later began working in an out patient clinic. Masks during flu season were still mandated, but there was more latitude between patients. Knowing now what I know about the Covid shot, I believe vaccines are a scam which doctors and hospitals buy into for financial gain. I will NEVER trust a doctor, hospital or pharmaceutical company again. I will not take any drug or test because my employer mandates it. No job is worth your life-period. It is indefensible that these hospitals have used their staff for18 months, only now to turn around and mandate the Covid shot, which is EUA, has shown to cause death and long term adverse reactions-none of which have been addressed by government or pharmaceutical companies, that there are saver preventatives ( good vitamin D and C levels, Zinc, hydrochloroquine and ivermectin, healthy eating, good hand washing, low BMI). None of these appear to be addressed in news conference by our esteemed doctors and hospital administrators, except the ones the news media and their colleagues wish to vilify. They also don’t address the Covid cases and variant cases diagnosed as a result of the flawed PCR test. A test never designed to test for Covid. A test set to a high cycle of 40, instead of 26, to deliberately result in positive Covid tests and therefore increase their revenue at the expense of their patients. Also the government and big Pharma have not addressed the increasing number of sick patients who are “fully vaccinated”, most likely because it does not fit their agenda of pushing the Covid shot for mercenary reasons, and not for patient health. This shot does not, I repeat does not prevent Covid. It may lessen symptoms, but it may also may make you susceptible to later infections because it affects your immune system. My answer to the Covid shot, Hell no I will not take it. You can fire me before I will succumb to my employer or the government mandate. Everyone must stand together fo freedom to choose.