Title says it all. Wtf is going on?
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Looking at Europe with the millions of rapefugees that have poured in there and the carnage that has resulted from this, the majority of illegals and refugees will have to be deported. the original population of Spain wants to remain Spain and have Spanish culture, a Spanish people, Spanish ideals and more. the same can be said for France, England, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Taiwan, Sweden, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Ukraine, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Croatia, Japan, South Africa, Poland, and even Germany after being smashed to pieces twice by the globalist satanic cabal and subjected to decades of degrading propaganda. And Russia after rediscovering its culture after being occupied for 80 years by international elements. The truth is that if nothing is done soon there will be a bloody struggle between the native populations and the immigrants which will end terribly for both parties. The refugees of Afghanistan must fight for their country just as we have to right now in America.