Mike Lindell Joins Infowars to Expose What Really Happened at the Cyber Symposium
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Flynn also said quote "Alex Jones is a true patriot who loves his country" in another interview.
I think the Alex Jones saga is much more complicated than you understand and has never been updated since 2018 by anons, Alex has said on air he's had meetings with the deepstate, freeing Alex from his MOSSAD ties would be a key step in taking down the deepsate, what if Alex hasn't been doing anything nefarious for years, yet no one will bother to think about it because "AJ MOSSAD?" hive mind.
i see your point, but im more so reffered to docodes/ q proofs etc which you can find regarding AJ. DJT once said good things about Epstein, respectfully, im less after what was just "said". q proof or a deeper dig would be more inclined to see your side. apologies, not being rude, as in to say - do the research for me etc and ill believe you - im just not as convinved that AJ is a good guy... for the time being, ill give you that. this whole thing is fucked. lets be honest.
please re read - im asking as to theory to draw conslusion. not just made up an idea and go with it... support it... apologise if you misunderstood.