NEVER quit!! Let them fire you. My company said everyone vaxed by Sept 7th or your terminated. 1200 employee's ,400 unvaxed, some caved, some (like me) filled for a Religious exemption, but it still leaves roughly 280-300. HR yesterday was calling the unvaxed people trying to get them to resign instead of being fired so they will be "in good standing" and will get any personal time they accrued when they leave. Vast majority to them NOPE!! FIRE ME! Massive law suits incoming and they know it! HOLD STRONG AND DON'T QUIT!
Just found out yesterday that 180 employees just in our dept are leaving due to mandated jab. Some are retiring others just quitting by 9/30 instead of requesting an exemption or allowing their own termination. My response to my sup was, they may walk right into another mandate so it's best to stay and fight.
NEVER quit!! Let them fire you. My company said everyone vaxed by Sept 7th or your terminated. 1200 employee's ,400 unvaxed, some caved, some (like me) filled for a Religious exemption, but it still leaves roughly 280-300. HR yesterday was calling the unvaxed people trying to get them to resign instead of being fired so they will be "in good standing" and will get any personal time they accrued when they leave. Vast majority to them NOPE!! FIRE ME! Massive law suits incoming and they know it! HOLD STRONG AND DON'T QUIT!
Just found out yesterday that 180 employees just in our dept are leaving due to mandated jab. Some are retiring others just quitting by 9/30 instead of requesting an exemption or allowing their own termination. My response to my sup was, they may walk right into another mandate so it's best to stay and fight.
At least they know to take their personal time now, before they're fired.