• Why no stories on hospice care in the United States relating to covid19 statistics (hospice has been removed from our common lexicon)? I’ve asked you this before, I know.
• Why no stories on the earnings of publicly held life insurance companies ?
• Why no stories about strategies written about the myriad of home health care providers in this country? What is their role in lessening hospital stays in the last 18 months. Did they play a role?
• Why know detailed explanation of how excess deaths are calculated – what are the excess death estimates for the next 5 years? I assume the data is easily found.
• No actuaries providing keen information and insights?
• Detailed investigations and stories of the traveling nurse industry ? I know several, interesting stories to say the least. Mostly regarding compensation.
• No keen insights from the coroners industry? The inexact science of “cause of death” in the last 100 years.
h/t -- https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2021/08/a-readers-wishes-for-covid-coverage.html
I can speak of the hospice care, as just had it for a few days for my wife. The all day care is non-existent even toward end of life so it's pretty much on you (or me in our case). You just call when there is any kind of change of condition and they tell you what to do next. They supplied the bed and medicine, but we had to have everything else including sheets, pillows, diapers, etc. Totally different than the around the clock care for a brother a few years ago, but I wouldn't have done any different anyway, she deserved to be home when she went home to Jesus. And no, it had nothing to do with the virus or vax
There should be a nurse and social worker coming out to physically visit you.
in the beginning they were only going to come every other day. She went quickly once I brought her home but never got more than a 1/2 hour visit a day
So sorry for your loss but I agree with your statement about dying at home.