Many in our govt worship Satan Q - 3
These people worship Satan _ some openly show it. Q - 10
The wizards and Warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic evil POS control our country. Q - 15
Satan. Who follows? What political leaders worship Satan? Q - 100
Does Satan exist? Does the 'thought' of Satan esist? Who worships Satan? Q - 133
SATAN has left the WH Q - 382 (who is this about?)
I'm really just starting to read the Q posts now. At the moment I am searching and reading about specific terms. This time it was Satan. I found some very interesting little tidbits. Like the mention of the "deep church" Q - 4541, and the mention of Putin being controlled by "3 families" Q - 15 yet in Q - 133 there is mention of Putin and the new world order worshipping Satan. (An interesting article come up with that title-
Q - 4541 is especially interesting. It looks like i will have to do some digging into Carlo Maria Vigano
HAHAHA, he may be doing this again.