Here's a theory that seems plausible...unless I'm wrong. Pelosi steps down and Hillary is considered for the speakership and wins. Biden gets yanked by the 25th and Kamala admits she is unable to take his place because she is over her head. Hillary is now 3rd in line and Viola! President Cacklin' Cankles. Am I nuts? Fire away.
Edit: I have been told the the order of succession changes under the 25th and a majority of the house and senate is required in some fashion. Thoughts.
No you are not nuts. This has been one of the scenarios that has been floated around for some time and it makes sense; Both Biden and Kamala have always been disposable placeholders. I'm sure this has been anticipated by the Q team and they have a contingency plan. In fact it would be even better to see Hillary think she finally made it; only to be dragged out kicking and screaming, like Nancy said would happen to Trump. At that point, Devolution would have to be enacted to keep the county together. Maybe that is the first arrest? HRC. God I hope so. NCSWIC Nothing.