posted ago by CarrieDodson17 ago by CarrieDodson17 +44 / -0

Please don't wait until you're sick to get Ivermectin in your house.

Myfreedoctor.com will consult with you and prescribe.

Covid19criticalcare.com has treatment protocols

I started ordering mine months ago but most pharmacies aren't offering refills so when you order for prophylactic use you will not have enough on hand to complete a full course of treatment if you become ill with only one prescription.

In the fall and winter when everyone is catching and spreading the flu is not the time to be seeking out medicine just in case and slowing down access for people who are already sick. Or maybe you'll be sick and having to wait in line for meds.

Even now, doctors on the myfreedoctor site have indicated they are backed up in processing requests so you are not likely to receive a same day response.

Please, please prepare.

Edit: sounds like myfreedoctor.com may be delayed on responding and prescribing. If that happens, push health is another recommended option to try.