I hit the wall yesterday, hearing unvaccinated people in France can’t buy food and seeing that a 28 year old died of Covid and no one would give her Ivermectin. A sheeple friend called this morning and I told her, look, you’ve called me a conspiracy theorist for a decade now and everything I told you has come true. Yesterday, they stopped letting people in France go into grocery stores. There is ample evidence now that a totalitarian government is taking over and I’m sorry, but I’m blaming people like you for letting this happen. You have said and done nothing to stop this march. So, until this is all over, I find it very painful to be friends. Our conversations avoid what is truly happening in the world and that’s precisely why it’s happening. I can’t pretend anymore. You need to stand up for this country and for your family. This is what happened in World War ll. Good luck. I hope you’re prepared for the bed you are making.
She hung up on me. And that’s just fine.
Anyone who wants to dig their heads in the sand while I am being ostracized by society for my choices is no longer welcome in my life.
The tables have turned. I’m going to let the sheeple know they are WRONG and therefore complicit in this march to a One World Government.
I understand exactly how you feel. I'm always screaming that people need to go to jail for the harm they are doing. I want arrests and executions. But know what? I really want the truth about everything to come out. I want the people in my life to see and hear what I know. I want it to come from the mouths of the people who have led them astray. I want the Rachael Madoffs, the Joe Scarborough's to admit they have been lying to their audiences for years. I want Anthony Fauci to admit that Covid was a planned event and the data was falsified. I want the people who got the shots to be told by their doctors that their health may be in danger now and that they need to go on a strict regimen of cleansing to rid their bodies of graphene oxide and other toxic substances. I want Bill Gates to confess to planning to kill off people with the jab.
Will it ever happen? Probably not but I want the truth more than I want retribution. I want the people around me to hear it from the people they trusted most. I want them to feel violated, cheated, lied to, suckered and used. Then maybe with time relationships will heal and the ones who think they are the most "enlightened" are chastised. It's become so personal with me. I'm surrounded by "know it alls" that need a very cold dose of sobering reality to hit them in the head and heart.