I’d like to start off by saying that just because some of the items listed are not wins (Biden not taking press questions, Pope is pro vaccine, People stealing recall ballots) does not mean it’s technically not a win for us. These people keep exposing how stooooopid, tyrannical, and hypocritical they really are and we notice that more and more people are realizing that. Because of this, we bring more normies and sleepers to our side. Therefore, it is a long term win for us and also why I consider it a WINS thread and not notable thread. That being said, on with the WINS!!!
I’ll continue to add more throughout the day so check back in!
- One of ours went to speak up at a school board meeting!! LET US KNOW HOW IT WENT!!! EVERYONE HERE (with children) NEEDS TO GET INVOLVED!!!
UPDATE!!! There was a response!!! WE ARE WINNING!! Thanks for sharing fellow pede!! And thank you u/New_believer11 for standing your ground!!
- The French people block an entrance to a vaccinated only grocery store
- Based POLAND for another WIN!! Polish local authorities passed a resolution declaring “opposition to the introduction of LGBT ideology” P.S. I have no problem if you are LGBT. What I have a problem with is if one try’s to force that ideology down an innocent child’s throat.
- Victor Dominello diagnosed with Bell's palsy after viewers spot drooping eye in NSW press conference… When will these officials learn!?
- Cannon building in DC evacuated due to a bomb threat (Its “patriots” like this dumbass that make us look bad. I am willing to bet this guy was an FBI scoop). Times Square, also, suspicious package found.
https://t.me/disclosetv/4149 https://t.me/disclosetv/4151
- Non WIN Notable- TSA and CDC decide to continue mask mandate through 2021 and into 2022
- Pulitzer already exposing ballot hacks in the California Recall Newsom election
- Not a WIN, rather exposing democratic cheating (as they always do). People stealing recall election ballots from mail boxes. How did they even obtain a USPS master key!?
- reprogramming a win for American voters
- BREAKING BIG — Jovan Pulitzer: Arizona Audit Report Will be Delivered to Senate on Friday, Results Will Be Earth-Shattering
P.S. drafting these posts is still new thing for me. Still figuring out a good format and a good way to share links. Bare with me, I’ll get it together soon lol
Good. So you can see how it is going...
PS: Jakaś tam do kurwy nędzy nadzieja jest,półgłówki z rządu są przekupieni ale oni i banda Tuska własnej dupy nie znajdą jak się ich pozbawi mocodawców :D Wszystko zależy od USA i US army.
Ja nie wiem co ci mam powiedzieć ale my tutaj w USA potrzebujemy swoje problemy pierw rozwiązać zanim możemy gdzieś indziej się patrzyć
That's exactly what I was about to say🐸
Wieeem.Ale rozwiązanie tego samemu nie wchodzi w rachubę z tych samych przyczyn dla których w USA tego nadal nie zrobicie... To opcja nuklearna. Ale i do tego może dojść... PS: A "doktorowi Niedziele" przydzielili ochronę nie bez powodu :) Majtki mu zbrązowiały :)
For english speakers: I was asked why first I/we don't clear the mess in Poland. For the same reason you don't do it still in USA. It is like "nuclear [war]" option,one way ticket. But if things will escalate that could happen anyway... PS: Do Fauci need bodyguards ? Well in Poland Niedzielski "needs"... (not because of me treats are kind of giving warning,and I wouldn't warn)