Decode: Fake planes 9:11
Reverse 9/11 incoming.
Extra note: Inflatable plane with CGI augmented reality type layer to add more but not all details for videos - Get it?
“Look we can fake planes too” - Whitehats
The people running below and around and on the side of the plane obscure the supporting vehicle that is moving the inflatable prop.
This one shot contains all the same elements and techniques used to fake the TV footage of 9/11.
You are watching a movie.
How could 9/11 footage have been faked in 2001? CGI technology was nowhere close to what we have now.
It was still CRT screens back then. Lower res. Easily done. All a movie. Watch the videos. Simple composition by tech if the time was well capable and live.
Search for the B-Thing and there is your pre laid means.
Look at the url.