If he released 3000 whoevers, he by definition and syntax surrendered them. It may not be the cutest way to say it because surrender sounds like he gave up or something, but it is still technically correct
I just remember him running like a bitch ending up in Texas looking like a scared old dude then quitting and fucking us all over instead of signing those eos
My lot in life is ignoring the 'cute' way of saying things and actually getting to the point. If you dont like this use of the word surrendered because it makes you feel bad, then you are the one who likes things to sound nice and cute
If he released 3000 whoevers, he by definition and syntax surrendered them. It may not be the cutest way to say it because surrender sounds like he gave up or something, but it is still technically correct
I just remember him running like a bitch ending up in Texas looking like a scared old dude then quitting and fucking us all over instead of signing those eos
My lot in life is ignoring the 'cute' way of saying things and actually getting to the point. If you dont like this use of the word surrendered because it makes you feel bad, then you are the one who likes things to sound nice and cute