posted ago by Lazarus-IXXI ago by Lazarus-IXXI +9 / -1

So there’s been a long standing theory behind the scenes of your favorite entertainment events that when the kpop events that came through the USA near the end of 2019, they brought Covid with them because they toured all of Asia as well. Many people, including myself, got sick.

Now fast forward to today. There is nothing official yet, and they are slowly having more shows come back. But there is a date that is the official “we’re back” day, soon. They don’t make money unless they tour, and if they shutdown again: they will probably not survive. So things are “really” important now.

In this example I am using AEG (all are guilty). According to the law they’re going by as repeated to me by several colleagues:

“They cannot enforce masks on the patrons, but they can for their employees.” I’m waiting on the official quote to be given to me by them.

So let’s say there’s a football stadium. You need a crew of 40-80 hands, riggers, etc to set up a big stage and get all the nice bells and whistles that get whoever’s performing off, and make them feel really special.

A lot of these people are doing physical labor. They are requiring everyone, vax or not, to wear masks while lifting things and pushing things that weigh anything from 50-500lbs or more multiple times in a row. They are also requiring everyone to do rapid swab testing and to show up an hour early (they are NOT being paid for this hour)

They are enforcing this at a draconian level, with the threat of “if you don’t like it you can quit and not work in this industry.”

Essentially they are scaring, and intimidating their own worker’s with the threat of firing them if they don’t comply. And frankly I’ve had fucking enough.

If you haven’t put the pieces together at this point: they are saying we will have thousands of unmasked and some masked people (masks do nothing) screaming and yelling and breathing the same air and being in close proximity to each other, again, screaming at their favorite artist on stage, who is breathing the same exact air as the THOUSANDS of people in the room. And yet they won’t give that option (not to wear masks) to workers. They’d rather steal an hour of their time because they don’t think anyone will say anything.

/End rant