New post from Decoding Symbols on Afghanistan
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I read this yesterday and he/she has some very interesting takes on things. I don't admit to understanding everything that's said but it gives me an alternative take that is certainly different from what we hear on this board. I wish he would talk more about world leaders that he thinks have flipped.
I don’t understand everything either, but certainly puts msm and Hollywood in a whole new light. When the walking dead introduced deaf survivors, I stopped watching bc thought it was a stupid story line. Deaf ppl surviving ten years of zombie apocalypse together, what? Now I think it was comms. Not sure what comms.
“Losing hearings” just came to me. Anyways this blog is full of info.
The webs that have been woven are a Gordian Knot of endless intricacies. Lyndon Larousse. When we first encountered his people on the hill, they were communists, affiliated with the likes of Angela Davis and Ron Dellums. Then sometime during the Carter years they became far right (or what we defined as such at the time). I ran into a group of them handing out leaflets at the teaparty protest at the Capitol. I thought they'd disappeared.
Proof to begin 11.3
What if 11.3 refers not to the end of the occupation of the US by China, but the end of the US occupation of Afghanistan? We also were never specified what exactly would be proven.
I think 311 means help like when US is needs help (seemingly) that’s when proof is revealed. Kim Clement said US would have two presidents in August and this seems to be happening as more lefty’s wake up to election fraud.
Seriously, this blog helps give me sanity.